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Congressional Gold Medal Presented to family of Private Elizabeth Wade, CAP

Col Bailey with 2 family members
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Col R. Jason Bailey, CAP (left) presents Private Elizabeth Wade's Congressional Gold Medal to her daughter, Ms. Jean Frank, and her son, Mr. David O'Brien at the ceremony on June 23, 2018. Photo Credit: Lt Col Anthony Biondo, Jr., CAP (click image to view full size)
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Medal presentation ceremony held at NC Maritime Museum in Beaufort

7/8/2018––A Civil Air Patrol Congressional Gold Medal was presented to the family of Private Elizabeth Wade, CAP, on June 23, 2018 at the North Carolina Maritime Museum in Beaufort, NC. The medal honored Private Wade's Civil Air Patrol service at Coastal Patrol Base 21 in Beaufort, NC, in 1943.

Lt Col Phil Saleet, CAP, National Headquarters Historical Projects Division Head, opened the ceremony with welcoming remarks and read the names of all Coastal Patrol Base 21 members still on eternal patrol.
Col R. Jason Bailey, North Carolina Wing Commander, made remarks detailing Private Wade's life and service to Civil Air Patrol, including her work in the Base's Administrative Office as a clerk-typist. Private Wade from Morehead City, NC, was the only local citizen to serve at the Base. The other Base members came from all over North Carolina and the rest of the country.

During WWII, German submarines attacked numerous ships off the coasts of America and the U.S. military could not protect the entire coastline. The volunteers of Civil Air Patrol manned coastal bases along the East Coast and the Gulf of Mexico. The Civil Air Patrol Congressional Gold Medal is awarded to all Civil Air Patrol WWII veterans to honor their service. 

Col Bailey then presented the Civil Air Patrol Congressional Gold Medal to Private Wade's family members.

The NC Wing thanks Lt Col Anthony Biondo, Jr., CAP, NC-160 (the Cunningham Field Composite Squadron) and all the Wing members who supported and attended this special event honoring one of the NC Wing's WWII Founding Members.