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Commander’s Commentary—November 2017

Col Robert J Bailey

CAP Safety Pledge

As a Civil Air Patrol member I pledge to promote an uncompromising safety environment for myself and others, and to prevent the loss of, or damage to Civil Air Patrol assets entrusted to me. I will perform all my activities in a professional and safe manner, and will hold myself accountable for my actions in all of our Missions for America.

Members of NCWG, 

We certainly have a lot to be thankful for this year.  

As I pause to be thankful and celebrate time with my family this holiday, I am very thankful for all of our members in the North Carolina Wing of CAP. You selflessly give a lot of time and effort to support the three missions of CAP.  

I am thankful for your safety mindset, your integrity, your pursuit of excellence, your respect for our nation and your other members, as well as your service to our community and in developing each other. Thank you for all that you do.  

Happy Thanksgiving and please be safe during this holiday season!

Commander, North Carolina Wing