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NC Wing Commander Named Chief of Staff for Middle East Region, CAP

Col Roy Douglass
Col. Roy Douglass speaking at Joint MER-NCWG Annual Conference. Photo by Maj. Don Penven (click image to view full size)
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Region Commander, Col. Larry Ragland, Names Col. Roy Douglass to the Post

5/15/2012–– Middle East Region (MER), Commander, Col. Larry Ragland, announced today that Col. Roy W. Douglass has been selected to fill the position of chief of staff, to become effective on June 9, 2012. In his announcement to members of the region, Col Ragland said, “Col. Douglass has served in CAP for many years and demonstrated his steady commitment to excellence and professionalism.  He will step down as NC Wing Commander after having served in this post since January 2009. 

Col. Douglass completed a career in the U. S. Army, and he retired from a second career in the telecommunications industry in 2003. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in History from Florida International University and a Master's Degree in Business Management from Central Michigan University. 

Col. Douglass assumed command in January 2009, succeeding Col. Ragland as NC Wing Commander after serving as the NC Wing Chief of Staff from 2005 through 2008. He joined Civil Air Patrol in August 1992 and served two 24-month tours as the San Angelo Composite Squadron Commander in the Texas Wing.  After joining the Middle East Region (MER) in 1999, Col Douglass served as the Director of the MER Staff College from 2003 thru 2005. 

The Vice Commander of the NC Wing, Lt. Col. John Kay, will fill the command position of the NC Wing until a permanent selection is made for Wing Commander. Col. Douglass will fill the position recently vacated by Lt. Col. Phyllis Griffin. 

Col. Douglass and his wife, the former Gail Pleger, moved to North Carolina in 1999, where he continued his CAP career. The Douglasses now live in Rougemont, NC.

 A complete biographical summary for Col. Douglass is found on the NC Wing website at: