6/17/2012–Burlington, NC–June 9, 2012
Before a record turnout of its membership, the NC Wing conducted a Change of Command Ceremony. Col. Roy Douglass has served the wing with honor and distinction for 3 ½ years and has accepted the recently vacated position of Chief of Staff for the Middle East Region (MER).
The ceremonies were opened by the cadet color guard from the Burlington Composite Squadron: C/2nd Lt Joshua Jordan, C/SrA Ian Shephard, C/Amn Kody Holmes and C/SrA Mary Puppo. Cadet Puppo was accompanied by C/Maj. Christina North in singing the National Anthem. Cadet North is now serving as a PFC in the U.S. Army.
Lt. Col. Max Benbow, serving as Master of Ceremonies, introduced the dignitaries assembled for this very special occasion. Attending were National CAP Vice Commander, Brig. Gen Joseph Vazquez and Middle East Region Commander. Col Larry Ragland.
Former NC Wing Commanders present included: Col. “Tink” Schaeffer, Col. David Ellsworth and Col. Larry Ragland. Also present were MER Vice Commanders, Col. Rick Moseley and Col. Ray Lyon. Lt. Col. Dave Crawford and Lt. Col. John Kay, candidates for the position of NC Wing Commander were also introduced.
NC State Senator Rick Gunn was on hand and he praised the tireless work completed by outgoing Wing Commander, Col Roy Douglass.
Col. Ragland passed the ceremonial banner from Col. Douglass to Lt. Col. John Kay, interim wing commander, who will serve until a permanent selection is made later this month. Lt. Col Kay has been serving as NC Wing Vice Commander.
Mditor's Note: Numerous Achievement, Commander's Commendations and meritorius Service Awards were granted and will be published in a seperate article as soon as the names are verified.
Brig. Gen. Vazquez and Col. Ragland took this opportunity to officiate at the promotion of Lt. Col. Ray Lyon, the newly elected MER 2nd Vice Commander, to the rank of colonel.
A reception was held following the ceremonies for those attending.