7/2/2013–07/02/2013 12:00 AM–The 2013 NC Wing Summer Encampment has been a major success.It started off when staff members began arriving on Friday and began getting all the necessary equipment needed for the week.
On Saturday the basic cadets arrived and were in-processed, as well as beginning to get the feel for encampment life The basic Ground Team Flights completed ICUT (Inter
Communication User Training), classroom time for their ground team qualifications, First Aid, an EST (Engagement Skills Training), which is a weapon simulator connected to an air compressor.
The cadets had a great time and enjoyed learning how to properly shoot the M4A1 and M16A4. The advanced Ground Teams also completed tasks for their ground team
qualifications and an advanced compass class where they learned how to use the compass in a more advanced setting.
They also completed a land navigation course where they put what they learned about compasses to use.Additionally they
attended the EST and had a great time learning how to properly handle a firearm.
On Thursday and Friday, both ground teams participated in
a field training exercise. On these exercises the cadets put all the knowledge they learned into use as they completed 2 training missions in order to get their qualifications to become a ground team member.
The Ground Teams have worked very hard this week and their achievements are well earned.
The Aerospace Flight also worked very hard and took a total of 3 tests that are required for the Rocketry Badge. They built 3 rockets - 2 single stages and 1 double stage rocket - and fired them off on Thursday. While the vans were unloading an AH-64D Apache was about to take off. Although the cadets couldn’t get very close to the helicopter, it was very thrilling to watch, and all the Aerospace cadets enjoyed watching it take off and buzz the launch pads. The Aerospace Flights worked really hard and completed all the requirements for their rocketry badges.
Leadership Flight took many classes on leadership and
patriotism. The cadets also had to participate in 3 impromptu speaking classes and many drill classes. The cadets in leadership flight learned a lot about CAP and it’s heritage, it’s tradition, and the importance of CAP
and it’s 3 main missions. Leadership flight worked extremely hard memorizing material, taking tests, learning drill, and gaining an overall knowledge of CAP and its role.
Staff Training Flight completed numerous classes on all staff positions and shadowed the encampment staff for 2 days. These cadets then reported what they learned about the position they shadowed in a speech to the rest of the flight. These cadets have worked exceptionally well and are
ready to staff any encampment that’s thrown at them.
MRO Flight learned about radios and how they operate, as
well as radio towers and how they operate. The cadets that chose MRO flight are walking away from encampment with MRO status on their 101 card, and are now fully qualified as MRO member. These cadets have showed the utmost desire to
learn about communications and have done exceptionally well.
FLM Flight worked hard and long learning about flight line
marshalling, and actually putting those skills to use while cadets were out doing their Orientation Flights. The FLM Flight had the privilege to congratulate Lt. Col. Courntey on his 250th O-Flight. The FLM Flight have all earned
their qualifications and are now qualified Flight Line Marshallers. Great Job FLM, and it is well earned.
Congratulations to all who attended the 2013 NC Wing Summer
Encampment,and thank you all for your hard work and dedication.