3/6/2014–Burlington– Members of NC Wing. I am pleased to announce the following members and organizations within NC have been recognized as "Of the Year" recipients at Middle East Region. Please join me in congratulating them.
> Frank G. Brewer Memorial Aerospace Award (Lifetime): Lt Col Wallace Courtney (NCWG)
> Frank G. Brewer Memorial Aerospace Award (Individual or Organization - non-CAP): Sugar Valley Airport (NCWG)
> Col Dion E. DeCamp Ground Team: Burlington Composite Squadron (NCWG)
> Col Robert V. "Bud" Payton Public Affairs Officer: Capt Charles Parker (NCWG)
> Senior Member of the Year: Lt Col Weenis Surratt (NCWG)
The full list of MER Award recipients is below.
David E. Crawford, Col, CAP
Commander, North Carolina Wing
> Frank G. Brewer Memorial Aerospace Award (Cadet Category): C/2d Lt Hunter Harlow (DCWG)
> Frank G. Brewer Memorial Aerospace Award (Senior Category): 1st Lt Gerald McCullin (DCWG)
> Frank G. Brewer Memorial Aerospace Award (Lifetime): Lt Col Wallace Courtney (NCWG)
> Frank G. Brewer Memorial Aerospace Award (Individual or Organization - non-CAP): Sugar Valley Airport (NCWG)
> Major General Jeanne M. Holm Aerospace Education Officer: Maj Fred Wilkins (VAWG)
> Air Force Sergeants Association Outstanding Cadet NCO of the Year: C/CMSgt Erika Fletcher (VAWG)
> John V. "Jack" Sorenson Cadet Programs Officer: Maj Bryan Pettigrew (DCWG)
> DDR Member: 2d Lt Barbara Knollinger (WVWG)
> DDR Wing: Maryland Wing
> Squadron Chaplain: Ch (Lt Col) Michael Strickland (DCWG)
> Senior Chaplain: Ch (Lt Col) James Lowther (DCWG)
> Character Development Instructor: 2d Lt Bridget Watson (VAWG)
> Communicator: Capt Matthew Adkins (VAWG)
> Col Dion E. DeCamp Ground Team: Burlington Composite Squadron (NCWG)
> Col Edwin W. Lewis, Jr. Incident Staff Member: Lt Col Joshua Schmidt (DCWG)
> Inspector General of the Year: Col Lyle Letteer (SCWG)
> Property Management Officer: Lt Col Thomas Morris (WVWG)
> Professional Development Officer: Col Larry Trick (MDWG)
> George Texido Legislative Officer of the Year: Lt Col David Argentieri (MDWG)
> Col Robert V. "Bud" Payton Public Affairs Officer: Capt Charles Parker (NCWG)
> Paul W. Turner Safety Award: National Capital Wing
> Safety Officer: Capt Richard Leonard (VAWG)
> And finally....
> Squadron of Distinction: Mt. Vernon Composite Squadron (DCWG)
> Cadet of the Year: C/Lt Col Christin McCall (MDWG)
> Senior Member of the Year: Lt Col Weenis Surratt (NCWG)
> Congratulations to all of these award winners. As I'm sure you would like to inform your members of the awards, I will wait a few days before sending individual emails to each recipient advising them of their achievement and requesting they advise if they will be attending the DCWG/VAWG/MER Conference.
> These nominations have been forwarded to National Headquarters for consideration of the national level awards, which will be awarded in August at the Annual Conference in Las Vegas, NV.
> Director, Personnel and Administration
> Middle East Region