4/3/2014–Burlington, NC–The Cadets of the Raleigh Wake Squadron, who recently won the Middle East Region Cadet Color Guard Competition were honored with performing on opening day of the Durham Bulls baseball season. The Durham Bulls are a triple A franchise of the Tampa Devil Rays.
Lt. Col. Jay Langley, who has mentored these cadets, watched from the Bulls dugout during the ceremony. Langley stated after their performance “ I am so proud of these cadets. They have worked very hard over the past year, and their efforts have really paid off. Watching them perform at the cadet competition and again tonight, I am really honored to be associated with these young men and women.”
During the opening ceremonies, as the color guard took their position in front of home plate, the crowd was treated to a flyover by a local military aircraft squadron known as the bandits. A YouTube video showing their flyover can be seen at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFTEHVePXAI.
This video is very interesting because it contains the cockpit audio from the flight leader as he guides his group over the stadium.
Following the performance, Col. David E. Crawford, NC Wing Commander met with the color guard squad and presented them with a commander’s coin to cap their performance. Crawford stated “These cadets did an awesome job tonight, as well as a couple of weeks ago at the competition. They are a model for other cadets and youth who can see that hard work can really pay off if you focus your attention on a goal. I have no doubt that each one of these cadets will go on to do great things because of the leadership skills they learn as cadets in the Civil Air Patrol.”