4/17/2014–Burlington, NC–CAP has revised CAPR 52-10, Cadet Protection Policy, effective 1 October 2014.
The regulation is available now so that members can familiarize themselves with the new standards before they take effect.
Why a new Cadet Protection Policy (CPP)?
CAP redesigned its CPP to ensure its Cadet Program meets or exceeds the norms of the youth-serving industry. The new policy and practices were informed by the work of leading academic researchers, guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a survey of youth protection policies in eight organizations, and through feedback from CAP senior leaders and members in the field.
Are the training materials being updated? Yes.
The current Cadet Protection Policy Training (CPPT) materials will become obsolete this summer and new materials are being created now for publication by 1 August.
Courses will be available in online and classroom format. The "Cadet Protection Basic Course" will prepare senior members, cadet sponsor members, and cadets aged 18 and over, to interact with cadets safely and to be aware of precursors to abuse.
The "Cadet Protection Advanced Course" is for senior members who work closely with cadets and take a leadership role in implementing the CPP (see CAPR 52-10, 3-3 for details).
Members have through 31 December 2014 to complete the new course(s).
Also in regards to training, an updated CAPP 52-23, Cadet Protection Policy Implementation Guide, will provide best practices and helpful hints on how to run safe, effective cadet activities.
That revised guide will become available this summer.
Cadets will receive age-appropriate training in the form of a "Cadet Wingman Course," which will be completed during Achievement 1's character block, along with the foundations module for Core Values and introduction to safety.
Units are encouraged to include existing cadets in this training, too. Posters that simplify the CPP and advertise the wingman concept are being printed and mailed to squadrons this summer, as part of the overall publicity campaign to help units transition to the new CPP.
Finally, NHQ will conduct some webinars and/or online Q&A sessions for region and wing directors of cadet programs or their designee.
DCPs will please email Joanna Lee at jlee@capnhq.gov to register for their session of choice by 8 May.
Please indicate a primary and alternate dates, if possible. ·
Tuesday 13 May 12 noon Eastern ·
Thursday 15 May 1pm Eastern ·
Tuesday 20 May 7pm Eastern ·
Sunday 24 May 9pm Eastern
Are any other publications affected and getting updated?
CAPR 39-2, CAP Membership, will mandate the use of the currently optional Unit Membership Board screening process for all prospective members. CAPR 52-16, Cadet Program Management, will see a few administrative changes to bring it into agreement with the new CAPR 52-10.
A new form, CAPF 32, CAP Cadet Activity Permission Slip, takes effect on 1 October 2014, but is available now and units are encouraged to start using it at their earliest convenience.
Submitted for:
Joanna Lee Cadet Programs Manager CAPNHQ jlee@capnhq.gov (877) 227-9142 ex. 413