6/20/2014–Stanly County Air National Guard Station–
The 2014 NC Wing Summer Encampment Begins Saturday, with Encampment staff arriving Friday 20 June. Updates from the Public Affairs department will come frequently, with multiple video and picture updates as well as encampment news on a daily basis. To get the best view of the encampment please go to our encampment website at http://encampment.ncwgcap.org and like our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/NCEncampment as most all updates will flow though these two sites.
For those of you with questions you can feel free to contact the staff through Facebook or email the Encampment Public Information Officer; 1st Lt Tony Bradley at tbradley@ncwgcap.org.
Cadet Students should arrive between 0900 and 1300 hours on Saturday 21 Jun 2014 at the Stanly County Air National Guard Station. You will be met at the gate by CAP personnel who will direct you to the in-processing area. Parents will wait in the covered shelter until the cadets complete the check in process then they will depart after saying their goodbyes to their cadets. Please Make All Efforts to Arrive Earlier rather than Later, we would like to have all cadets in-processed by 1300 so that we may start our extremely busy schedule on time. If you still need packing list information you can find it here: https://www.ncwgcap.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=page.display&pageID=618
Location Information:
The address for Directions is 38268 Prime Beef Boulevard, New London, NC 28127. There will be signs at all major intersections around the airport guiding you into the event. The signs are blue with red and white arrows and marked CAP or Civil Air Patrol.
The base phone number for emergency contact during encampment is
(256) 346-8280