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Apex Cadet Squadron Annual Awards, Promotions, and Change of Command
Presenting the colors Photo credit: SM Chris Bogart, CAP, Apex Cadet Squadron (click image to view full size)
Cadets recognized for their achievements
By 1st Lt Shelly Willis, CAP
Public Affairs Officer, Apex Cadet Squadron
1/31/2015–Cary, NC–Civil Air Patrol North Carolina Wing’s Apex Cadet Squadron held their annual awards ceremony and also recognized the cadet promotes for the month. The ceremony concluded with Captain Michael Willis taking over as commander from Major Brendan Kearns and C/1st Lt Jack Torborg accepting the position of Cadet Commander from C/Capt James Barrow. The evening was presided over by Group 2 Commander Lt Col Toby Wall and attended by many supportive family and friends.
Receiving the Gen John F. Curry Award and promotion to Cadet Airman, Cadets Payton Gingras and Josiah Webster. Cadets Caroline Balduaff, Andrew Hausner, and Stephen Terway received the Eddie Rickenbacker and promotion to Cadet Technical Sergeant. The Charles Lindbergh award and promotion to Cadet Master Sergeant was given to Cadet Emily Webster. Cadet James Barrow was promoted to the rank of Cadet Captain and was presented the Amelia Earhart.
The Air Force Association Outstanding Cadet of the Year was C/Col Joshua Waters. The Air Force Sergeants Association Award to the Outstanding Squadron Cadet NCO was presented to C/SMSgt Tyler Bogart. The Veterans of Foreign Wars Award for the Outstanding Cadet Officer was C/1st Lt Kyra Willis and the Outstanding NCO was presented to C/TSgt Caroline Baldauff. The Apex Cadet Squadron Cadet of the Year was C/MSgt Emily Webster.
At the end of the ceremony Lt Col Wall presented the Commander’s Commendation Award to Maj Kearns for his work and dedication while serving as the Apex Cadet Squadron commander.
This is an exciting time for the squadron and 2015 is going to be a busy year. Plans are underway for multiple joint activities with other squadrons including bivouacs, model rocketry, and Emergency Services training activities. Cadets and Senior Members are also making plans to attend Winter Ranger Training, Drill & Ceremonies Academy, MER Search and Rescue College, Encampment, National Conference, the National Museum of the Air Force, Patriot’s Point in Charleston, and many NCSA activities.