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Fayetteville Composite Squadron participates in Cadet Orientation Flights

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R to L: Lt Col Ryan, C/SrA Haynes, C/TSgt Garcia, C/SSgt Farcus, C/A1C Matherne, C/CMSgt Holmes, 1st Lt Farcus: all of NC-007. Photo credit: 1st Lt Kimberly Benton, Public Affairs Officer, Sandhills Senior Squadron 171. (click image to view full size)
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3/29/2015–– The Fayetteville Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol participated in Cadet Orientation Flights and Model Rocketry Building at Fayetteville Regional Airport in Fayetteville, NC.  Five Cadets participated in the event piloted by Capt Cliff Herring.  Lt Col William Ryan, Commander MER-NC-007 along with Capt Kenneth Currie Commander MER-NC-171, oversaw the event. 

Before the flights began, Capt Cliff Herring briefed the cadets on the flight plan for the day and walked them through the pre-flight checks.  C/A1C Matherne was extremely excited about her first o-ride.  Four other cadets received there o-ride on this day: C/CMSgt Atkins, C/CMSgt Holmes, C/TSgt Garcia, and C/SSgt Farkas.  On 29 March 2015, Capt Herring was able to take up two additional cadets for o-rides: C/SMSgt Trantham and C/SrA Haynes.
In between the flights on the 28th, cadets also worked on Model Rocketry Building, which was overseen by 1st Lt Jeffrey Farkas.  All cadets built different rockets of various sizes that they planned to launch on 30 May 2015 at Fayetteville Composite AE/ES on Ft. Bragg.
The weekend’s event was a success with each cadet completing another phase in Orientation Flights.