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Orange County Squadron Assists at Wings Over Wayne Air Show
Cadet Jacob Rogers and C/Amn Lucas Todd eat at the Base dining hall during the Wings Over Wayne Air Show at the Seymour Johnson Air Force Base on May 16, 2015.
Photo Credit: Capt Ron Long, DCC, MER-NC-150 (click image to view full size)
CAP Cadets help out at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base Event
By Lt Lynne Albert, CAP
PAO, Orange County Composite Squadron
5/17/2015–HILLSBOROUGH, NC– Cadets and Senior Members of the Orange County Composite Squadron assisted with the Wings Over Wayne Air Show at the Seymour Johnson Air Force Base in Goldsboro, NC on May 15-17, 2015.
During the event, the CAP members performed numerous duties including directing traffic and parking cars. USAF officials estimated that over 200,000 visitors attended the weekend event.
CAP members also worked the Outreach tables at the visitor entrances. At the Outreach tables, cadets made ID bracelets for children and attached them to the children’s wrists. The bracelets contained parental contact info so that parents could be located in the event the children were lost.
The CAP members also assisted with surveillance and crowd control and reported any problems to Air Force security.
After their duty shifts, the CAP members camped in tents in a grassy area near the air base gym. Breakfast and dinner meals were provided in the air base dining hall and box lunches were provided for the lunch meal. CAP’s Goldsboro squadron held a delicious barbecue picnic on Saturday evening for CAP participants.
After the event, CAP Capt Ron Long stated, “supporting the Air Show was a great experience for these new cadets. The cadets now understand CAP’s commitment to volunteer service and excellence in all we do. I am especially proud of the number of compliments we received from the soldiers and airmen working the show. They repeatedly commented on the professionalism and bearing of the CAP cadets.”
The Orange County Composite Squadron extends special thanks to the Goldsboro Composite Squadron for their assistance in hosting this event and welcoming CAP squadrons from around North Carolina.
Additional information for this article was provided by Capt Ron Long, CAP.