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NC Governor Pat McCrory at NC050. Photo Credit: M. Dabbs
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NC Governor Pat McCrory at NC050. Photo Credit: M. Dabbs (click image to view full size)
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Gov. Pat McCrory inspects the Troops

8/11/2015–– Governor Pat McCrory flew in to Shelby, NC Tuesday, Aug 11 in the Governor's King Air and made it a point to come visit Shelby Squadron while in route to other business.  

The room was called to attention when the Governor and his security detail walked into the Squadron Building and all eyes were on him!  He politely inspected the troops and then gave an inspiring speech to the members thanking all of us for working so hard to be ready to help the Community, State and Nation.  He told the cadets in the squadron that he was impressed by the professionalism displayed by them and could look at each of them and know "you will be our future leaders".

It means so much to the Civil Air Patrol when our leaders pause a moment from their busy schedules to recognize our work and achievements.  We thank the Governor for doing just that!
As quickly as he appeared, he was gone.  We could hear the turbines spin up on the King Air as he made his way to the ramp.  That was a very exciting moment for our members!