4/22/2019–GOLDSBORO, NC–On 29-31 March 2019, Civil Air Patrol (CAP) cadets from across the North Carolina Wing converged on Seymour Johnson Air Force Base to participate in the wing's annual Drill and Ceremonies Academy. Many cadets returned to increase their knowledge and skills in drill in the intermediate flight, while new cadets learned basic drill. This year’s Drill and Ceremonies Academy also included both a Color Guard Flight and an Honor Guard Flight.
The Drill and Ceremonies Academy has given many cadets the opportunity to not only learn drill, but also the opportunity to staff various positions. As staff, they learn to lead and train the next generation of CAP cadets. For some of these cadets, this was their first opportunity to serve as staff at a wing event.
The Commander of this year's Academy was 1st Lt Jordana Heath and the Cadet Commander was C/Capt Isaac Vermillion.
The weekend was not all about learning drill. On Saturday afternoon, the cadets enjoyed a dog demonstration given by SSgt Patterson and SrA Priestley. Gina, the K9, was put through several scenarios to demonstrate her ability to subdue a target. The cadets also enjoyed time to meet up with old friends and make new ones during the Saturday night picnic.
During graduation on Sunday, attendees watched as the Honor Guard solemnly folded a burial flag and presented it to a member in the audience. The ceremony was a very humble reminder of those who gave all.
Congratulations to Award recipients: C/SSgt Dylan Lewandowski - Honor Support Staff Award, C/CMSgt Jessica Goncalves - Honor Line Staff Award, C/SSgt John Rezin - Honor Student Award, and Alpha Flight - Honor Flight Award.
With another Drill and Ceremonies Academy in the books, we hope to see you there next year.